Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Stripped of the job

The truth comes out... and hurts!

Getting the facts straight at an employment tribunal is a key part of any defence if you go to the expense of time, money and effort in defending a tribunal claim. We really don’t have to go very far to find some eye-rolling employment tribunal stories that make you hold your head in your hands.

A sacked manageress of a strip club near Windsor Castle challenged the decision by her employer and brought a claim of unfair dismissal. The employer in question, Mr Lumba, argued he dismissed Ms Harris for misconduct because Ms Harris had assaulted him by striking him over the head with a diary.

When the issue of misconduct came up in tribunal, Ms Harris appealed by maintaining ‘I struck Mr Lumba AFTER he sacked me’.

Taking the lack of evidence into account, the employment tribunal found that there was no substantiated reason for the dismissal of Ms Harris and awarded her almost £25,000 based on unfair dismissal, unpaid holiday, loss of earnings and not having written terms and conditions.

Lesson: record everything in dealings with your employees and maybe use an online diary instead (!)