Friday 19 August 2011

Grow Your Own

NEET is a government acronym for 16-24 year olds who are currently "Not in Education, Employment, or Training". It was first used in the United Kingdom but its use has spread to other countries, including Japan, China, and South Korea. Which just goes to show that David Cameron is right; we are all in this together. The statistics are terrifying; almost 1 in 6 youngsters are now on benefits and unlikely to get off them unless something dramatic takes place. In response, the Coalition has launched a funding programme to try to encourage employers to take on apprentices. There are apprenticeships from a variety of industry sectors; in fact anything from accountancy to floristry and IT to veterinary nursing.

There are three levels of apprenticeship; Intermediate, Advanced and Higher with some leading to degree courses. The Company employs the apprentice and pays them. Currently the rate is a measly £2.50 per hour for all apprentices in their first year but thereafter those over 19 get the minimum wage. Fortunately many employers do pay more than the minimum, recognising everyone has to eat. Although most of the training is in the workplace, external training costs for 16 and 17 year olds are met 100% by the Government with a 50% contribution given for older employees.

The HR Dept recommends that you have an apprenticeship contract in place. This differs from the normal employment contract in that you commit to supporting them until they achieve their qualifications and it becomes difficult to terminate their employment before that date. On the positive side there is nothing as rewarding as growing and developing your own staff and by sharing their success you also get the return on your investment.

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